| Big Bend Coastal Marsh |
| Big Cypress |
| Central Florida Ridges and Uplands |
| Dougherty Plain |
| Eastern Florida Flatwoods |
| Everglades |
| Floodplains and Low Terraces |
| Gulf Barrier Islands and Coastal Marshes |
| Gulf Coast Flatwoods |
| Miami Ridge/Atlantic Coastal Strip |
| Okefenokee Plains |
| Okefenokee Swamp |
| Sea Island Flatwoods |
| Sea Islands/Coastal Marsh |
| Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces |
| Southern Coast and Islands |
| Southern Pine Plains and Hills |
| Southwestern Florida Flatwoods |
| Tallahasee Hills/Valdosta Limesink |
| Tifton Upland |