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snippet: The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loans are being provided in this layer to allow the public to access detailed information on each funded project.
summary: The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loans are being provided in this layer to allow the public to access detailed information on each funded project.
extent: [[-89.5031410478102,22.8260196836469],[-77.4301449126805,33.1493530532903]]
accessInformation: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Restoration Assistance, State Revolving Fund Program
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program provides low interest loans to local governments for drinking water projects. The points represented on this layer provide the location of the center of the project area as well as the loan amount, the project type, and a brief description of the project. These loans are provided at interest rates that are approximately 60% of the market rate. Capitalization of the program comes from federal grants, state matching funds of 20 percent of the federal grants, loan repayments and interest.
type: Map Service
tags: ["Florida","utilitiesCommunication","SRF","Utilities and Communication","State Revolving Fund","Assistance","Loans","Drinking Water"]
culture: en-US
guid: A0D9B7E1-6673-4686-B8B1-D9160B5C1194
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_Florida_GDL_Albers