Description: This is a statewide layer representing mitigation banks permitted under Ch. 373.4136, Florida Statutes. Florida mitigation bank information is important for wetland permit reviewers and developers that may need mitigation options. The layer can also serve to enhance information on conservation lands. Mitigation Banks may be permitted by DEP or a Water Management District, but are used by both agencies, creating the need for a statewide layer. Mitigation banking is a practice in which an environmental enhancement and preservation project is conducted by a public agency or private entity (banker) to provide mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts within a defined region (represented in the Mitigation Banks Service Area layer). The bank is the site itself (this data layer), and the currency sold by the banker to the impact permittee is a credit, which represents the wetland ecological value equivalent to the complete restoration of one acre. The number of potential credits permitted for the bank and the credit debits required for impact permits are determined by the permitting agencies, and this information is provided in the data layer table. For more information on mitigation banking, go to
Copyright Text: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Description: This is a statewide layer representing Mitigation Bank Service Areas identified in Mitigation Bank Permits issued under Ch. 373.4136, Florida Statutes by DEP or a Water Management District. Each Mitigation Bank Permit identifies a geographic area served by the permitted mitigation bank. Mitigation banking is a practice in which an environmental enhancement and preservation project is conducted by a public agency or private entity (banker) to provide mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts within a defined region (mitigation service area-this data layer). The bank is the site itself, and is represented by the Mitigation Banks data layer, also available in MapDirect. For more information on mitigation banking, go to
Copyright Text: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Water Resource Management
Description: This layer is a compilation of the watershed basin layers from the Florida Water Management Districts (WMD): Northwest Florida WMD, Suwannee River WMD, St. Johns River WMD, Southwest Florida WMD, and South Florida WMD. The layer provides an unofficial, updated and user-friendly tool to identify the extent and location of boundaries provided in the Mitigation Banks Rule, 62-342 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This layer is intended to provide an updated and user-friendly tool for identifying the watershed of selected areas. WMD Source Links:NWFWMD/FDEP: Mitigation Banks Rule 62-342.200(9) F.A.C.SRWMD:Mitigation Banks Rule 62-342.200(9) F.A.C.SJRWMD:Mitigation Banks Rule 62-342.200(9) F.A.C.SWFWMD:Mitigation Banks Rule 62-342.200(9) F.A.C.SFWMD:Mitigation Banks Rule 62-342.200(9) F.A.C.