Description: A BMAP (Basin Management Action Plan) is a water quality restoration plan prepared pursuant to Section 403.067(7) Florida Statutes. BMAPs are designed to reduce pollutant loadings to achieve the limitations identified in an adopted Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) through a comprehensive set of management strategies - permit limits on wastewater facilities, urban and agricultural best management practices, conservation programs, etc. These broad-based plans are developed with local stakeholders - they rely on local input and local commitment - and are adopted by Secretarial Order and are enforceable.
Description: As per the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act (part VIII of chapter 373, Florida Statutes), the department delineates priority focus areas for each Outstanding Florida Spring that is impaired by excessive nutrient pollution. Using the best data available, the department delineates the priority focus areas considering groundwater travel time to the spring, hydrogeology, nutrient loads in the springshed, and other factors. The priority focus areas are adjusted to rely upon understood and easily identifiable boundaries such as roads or political jurisdictions. The priority focus areas become effective upon incorporation into a basin management action plan (BMAP).
Description: Areas Undergoing Restoration (RA) Supporting TMDL Implementation (RA Plan or Alternate Restoration Plan): These are local restoration strategies similar to BMAP strategies but were done without going through the BMAP process.
Copyright Text: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), DEAR